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University Destinations

In 2024, BBIS Students received offers from:
UCL University College London Stanford University Texas A & M University-College Station
University of  Loughborough Universidad Europea de Madrid Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Cardiff University of Michigan in Ann Arbor The Hague University of Applied Sciences
University of Birmingham University of Virginia Institute of Arts, Barcelona
University of Manchester Emory University IE University
Rambert School of Ballet & Contemporary Dance, London The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Les Roches – Marbeilla Campus
Northern School of Contemporary Dance


Cornell University ArtEZ University of the Arts
University of Glasgow Stenden University NL University of Berlin
  University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Texas Christian University
Business Management and Marketing International Business and Finances Engineering
Global Hospitality Management Economics Statistical Science
Double Degree in Administration and  in International Relations Business and Marketing General Engineering
Contemporary Dance Computer Science and Mathematics Civil Engineering
Industrial Design Engineering Product Design Creative Business

Contact details

For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact our University and Career Guidance Counsellor, Ms Stompro at