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What curriculum do you teach?
BBIS Primary School follows the English National Curriculum. BBIS Secondary School is an IB World School, authorised to teach the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP).

Is BBIS accredited?
YES! BBIS is the first fully authorised IB World School in Budapest, offering the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the IB Diploma Programme (DP). BBIS is a candidate school for the IB PYP. BBIS is an Accredited Member of the renowned Council of British International Schools (COBIS), in which our senior staff regularly contribute to international conferences on a range of educational topics. BBIS is also a member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary and a key sponsor of local events in partnership with the British Embassy and various charity and expatriate organisations.

How many students are there at BBIS?
We currently have over 410 students from 40+ countries in our international community.

What is the adult-to-child ratio?
We maintain an excellent adult-to-child ratio here at BBIS. In the Primary years, we have an impressive 1:5 ratio, ensuring each child receives the attention and guidance they need. In Secondary, we maintain a 1:7 ratio, which allows us to provide a balanced and supportive learning environment for our older students across a wide range of IB MYP and DP courses.

When can I apply?
At BBIS we operate a rolling admissions system which means we welcome applications all year round.

Do students need to do an assessment on entry?
As part of the application process, all students will undergo an assessment. Primary students will join their prospective classes and participate in lessons, while Secondary students will be required to take two entrance tests. The first test is the CAT4 (Cognitive Abilities Test), which assesses students’ abilities in Verbal, Quantitative, Non-verbal, and Spatial reasoning. Students whose first language is not English may also need to complete an EAL (English as an Additional Language) test. Students in Year 3 and upwards will take the ‘New Group Reading Test’ (NGRT), which is a standardised assessment to measure reading skills. Students from Year 1 upwards will take Arithmetic and Reasoning Problem-Solving Assessments from White Rose Maths. Students from EYFS to Year 3 will also undergo Read Write Inc. screening. This is an informal process for checking phonics knowledge. Children applying to Foundation Stage 1 or 2 are invited to spend a morning session at BBIS.

Do you have a school bus?
Our families have the choice to use the school bus for a door-to-door service. For further information, you are welcome to contact

What foreign languages do you offer?
Students can access German, Spanish and Hungarian, and within the DP programme, a variety of international languages can be studied ab initio (from the beginning).

What happens if my child cannot speak English?
We assess the level of English for all of the children and young people who apply to BBIS. Not everyone is at a level to be able to access the curriculum so there are times when we say no to an applicant. However, in the main, the English as an Additional Language (EAL) team will provide intensive EAL teaching for the children. This comes at an additional cost, which varies form yeargroup to yeargroup. The Fees for EAL are set out with the fee schedule.

What after-school provision do you offer?
There are a wide variety of extra-curricular activities on offer after school. These run daily from 3:20 p.m.- 4.00 p.m. If students are signed up for an after-school club, there is the option to join our Stay and Play provision from 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. which runs on selective days and charges apply for Clubs and Stay and Play provisions.

What time does school start and finish?
Our gates open at 8.00 a.m. Students need to be in school by 8:30 a.m. in order to be ready for morning registration. The last lesson finishes at 3:10 p.m.

How does Governance work?
There are five Trustees who meet three times per year as an advisory board. The Trustees are drawn from the fields of international education, finance, human resources and architecture. All Trustees are volunteers. The role is non-executive.