School Uniform
Students at Budapest British International School, proudly wear their uniform every day. There is a strong sense of identity, pride, and respect for the school community, the education process, and the students themselves, shown through the high standard of dress and presentation our students display.
Students and parents are responsible for making sure they know the required standards for uniform.
The BBIS school uniform can be purchased online through the link above. This site also provides information on the different uniforms for summer and winter as well as P.E. kit.
Students should have a pair of black indoor shoes for daily use. Students are also required to have a set of indoor shoes to change into after outdoor learning or severe winter weather.
P.E. Kit
To ensure students receive the most out of their P.E. time, they are expected to come to school dressed in P.E. kit on the days they have P.E. lessons. Students may change to full school uniform during lunch or break after P.E. if needed.
Students must also wear appropriate sporting footwear during PE lessons. Athletic Training shoes should be worn and ideally should be a different pair of shoes if wearing trainers as school shoes/indoor shoes.
Students should bring swimming costumes and towels etc. on their swimming rotation.
School shoes are to be closed-toe, all-black shoes. We allow almost any all-black, fully enclosed shoe to be worn, including dress shoes, sneakers/trainers, and other casual shoes that are completely black in colour, and enclose the whole foot. Black shoes with a different colour logo or laces are not permitted. Black shoes with white soles are permitted.