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School Lunches – Our Menu

Secondary Lunch

When students experience BBIS lunchtime, they not only have the opportunity to choose from three different hot meals every day, but they also have time to relax together with their friends. Some bring their own lunch from home, preferring that option, and still, others buy something from the cafe, where sandwiches and other delicious pastries are made fresh every day on-site.

As parents, you can help your son or daughter choose what they want to eat via the online booking system. Students then swipe their personal BBIS access card, which tells the staff who serve lunch which choice is theirs. BBIS has many breakout spaces around the campus in which students are encouraged to meet with friends, chat, play chess and other board games, work on their computers and study. There are places both indoors and outdoors which students can enjoy.  Along with a new dining room designed to accommodate the needs of our teenagers.

Registration for Secondary Lunch

If you wish to register your child/ren for Secondary School Lunch in Term 1 in the 2024-25 Academic Year, please click on the link below:

Important Deadlines

Payment received: Lunch will be provided:
by 13th August from 26th August
between 14th to 23rd August from 28th August
after 26th August two working days after receiving your paymen

Primary Lunch

All students in the Primary school have a hot school lunch provided every day. A vegetarian option is always available and there is always either a starter or desert provided.

Students eat in small groups with their year group and as well as enjoying the food it is a time to socialise and catch up with friends. Every half-term we have a day when students eat together with the other students across the Primary School who are in the same house team.

Our ‘Fresh and funky fruit stall’ is available at breaks for students to enjoy a range of delicious fruit. Students in EYFS and KS1 also receive a morning and afternoon snack.

At the end of Term 1, we all meet together to celebrate this wonderful time of year with a magnificent Christmas dinner – delicious!