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Student Voice

Primary Student Council

Students have a strong voice in the running of their school and the Primary School Council is one way that we help every child to engage and lead change in their world. Representatives are elected from each class, but all students are expected to contribute to the work of the school council with small groups undertaking activities in response to priorities recommended and voted on by students. 

These action groups meet regularly to talk about the school, come up with ideas to improve it and then, get on with the action needed to make our best, better.

“We get to do cool things with our friends and make new friends as well. It’s great to be in an action team because you can help Mr Spinks and Dr Porritt make the school way better”!


Student Leadership in the Secondary School

At BBIS, we value the role of activities that provide students with an opportunity to develop leadership and responsibility. Our Student Council meets regularly to provide opportunities to listen to the student voice on all sorts of issues which matter in the Secondary school.

Our Student Ambassadors – Adele and Josh lead the student body to ensure that everyone is becoming the best they can be.  Our student leadership roles provide us with valuable insight and creative ideas while providing students with opportunities to develop as leaders.

They take responsibility for their own lives and community. Students take leadership roles in Assemblies and work with each other to organise and run charity events.

“Hi, my name is Adele, and I’m a Student Ambassador at BBIS. In this position, I aim to represent the school community as a whole and to better our school lives. I have a passion for innovation and creativity, so I would like to implement this in my work as an ambassador. The wellbeing and comfort of my peers are the most important in my mission. For me, BBIS became a safe space after coming to Hungary where I could express my talents and improve them. My goal is to make all other students feel this way because as a community, we deserve not only the best education but also the best possible environment.”

“Hello, I am Joshua and I am our school’s Deputy Student Ambassador. I am passionate about being the deputy school ambassador because I believe in the power of fostering a positive and inclusive school environment. As an ambassador, I aspire to be a bridge between students, faculty, and administration, working towards creating a sense of unity. Being an ambassador means I can help create a friendly and inclusive environment for everyone. I want to be the voice of my fellow students, listen to their ideas, and work together to make our school a more positive and supportive community. As an ambassador, I believe I can contribute to building a school culture where everyone feels valued and connected.”