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Executive Leadership Team (5)

Dr Petra Szalai Founder

Best BBIS moment

My best moments are all connected with being able to realise my dream of establishing a British International School in the heart of the Buda Hills, getting to know all of the families and witnessing the development of a truly caring and inclusive community. My vision for BBIS has always focused on people and the place we create together so that all of our children and young people can succeed. There are four main areas that I’m passionate about. I have a great team of professionals who make this happen for us all.

BBIS is a safe place where people want to come every morning, where happy children achieve, where there is equality of opportunity and fairness, and where everyone can find a way to drive themselves forward. 

BBIS is a community where children and adults want to be there and learn and work alongside people who want to be there. It is a school where teachers, teaching assistants, leaders and administrators want to help children achieve their best.

BBIS is a community that knows each other and cares for each other.

BBIS is a supportive, connected, caring family.

Something interesting about me

I went to an IB DP school here in Budapest and enjoyed the experience of International Education. I guess I’m one of the very few people who have done an IB DP and have also set up an IB DP!

Dr David Porritt Principal

Best BBIS moment – It’s hard to choose just one, because there are so many amazing moments. Perhpas the best is focused on the International Days we have enjoyed, when everyone dresses in National costumes, brings and shares delicious food from their country and mingles and mixes as OneWorld! Brilliant. I love it.

Something interesting about me – Apparently at the battle of Hastings in 1066 one of William The Conqueror’s Barons was called Baron Pere. We think that when he was given some land in England he changed his name to Peret and since then that name has turned into Porritt. So in a  funny kind of way, my family history goes back to a famous battle nearly 1000 years ago!

Jonathan Spinks Deputy Principal & Head of Primary

Best BBIS moment

Every day you enter through the gates of BBIS you are guaranteed a special moment, but one that really stands out is our students singing and performing on the steps of the beautiful Corinthia Hotel at the Annual Robbie Burns Supper.  As well as supporting the work of the  Robert Burns International Foundation It was a very proud moment for our school. 

Something interesting about me

If you search hard enough on YouTube you will be able to find clips of me performing with my band. You might discover a song called Hide Away, which was shown on Hungarian MTV and where I wore a very bright yellow tie! If you dig a little deeper you might even see me attempt to sing a duet in Hungarian as well as on one of the morning Breakfast shows. 

David Wheatley Head of Secondary, Designated Safeguarding Lead


My best BBIS moment has been seeing how engaged and creative the students are. They are so friendly and welcoming to each other, it is a real pleasure to be a part of this community.


As a PE Teacher, I love sports. Playing and watching. I have had the pleasure to try many new sports and have found a love of playing Australian Rules Football and Gaelic Football as alternatives to football and rugby. I am looking to find a good sports team in Budapest.


Tamás Füzesy Business Manager

Best BBIS moment

When the  parent community  (during online learning) realised how our teachers work with their children in such a creative and energetic way.

Something interesting about me

I have been teaching swimming  to disabled children for 30 years on a pro bono basis. Giving back to the community is essential to me.

Academic & Pastoral Leadership Teams (10)

Stefan Doyle DP Coordinator



In my 20s, I spent two years backpacking around the world, an experience that inspired my journey into teaching. Some of my best memories include working with Aboriginal communities in Australia, standing in a crowd of a million people for The Rolling Stones on Copacabana Beach, island hopping in Belize and marveling at the night sky in the Amazon rainforest and over Uluru. Now, I’m looking forward to new adventures in Hungary and embracing the challenge of learning the language as much as possible!

Lauren Backhouse Phase Leader - Upper Primary



Last summer, I went on a safari adventure in Kenya. It was amazing to explore the animals in their natural habitat and witnessing Africa’s Big Five up close. My best moment was waking up early and watching the giraffes walking around before the sun rose.

Amy Stompro University and Career Guidance Counsellor and DP Pastoral Leader



I love exploring and experiencing new cultures, landscapes, and ways of life. I’m from the United States and grew up in the rural state of North Dakota. For the past seven years, I’ve been fortunate to live and travel in several different countries, including the UK, Latvia, Germany, and most recently, China. I believe an openness to new experiences enriches our perspectives and creates a deep appreciation for the world’s diversity. As the University & Careers Guidance Counsellor, I’m excited to support students through new life experiences and guide them in preparing for their future beyond BBIS.  

Alicia Jager PYP Coordinator



I am originally from Australia and prior to becoming a teacher I was a dental assistant in Australia, working for an orthodontist. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Primary Education from Australia and I am nearing the completion of my Masters degree of Educational Leadership and Management from Bath University in the UK. I have been living and working in international schools for 12 years, and my International career has brought me to live all over the world including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, America (NYC), Norway and now Hungary. I am joined by my husband and young daughter and we are excited to explore Budapest and see what this city has to offer. When I am not at school you will find me spending time with my family.

Vera Smith Assistant Head of Secondary / MYP Coordinator


I love it when I am on duty outside the secondary garden and the students ask me to join in a volleyball or a table tennis game, or even a table-football. I also enjoy just watching the students play and actively enjoy their break.


I am a Zumba instructor, however, I don’t teach Zumba anymore but still go to classes. I love dancing, especially salsa and bachata. I also love making dance choreographies.

Jennifer (Jenf) Waite Head of Secondary Music, Pastoral Lead MYP4 & 5


The look of surprise when I make my students stretch at the beginning of lessons and the joy on their faces as we play our warm-up games and activities at the beginning of class.


I love to travel and try new experiences, especially when an experience is around water. Recently, I became a padi-qualified diver and I’ve had the privilege to dive in Raja Ampat in Indonesia. When I travel one of my favourite experiences is to try the snacks in the country or region I visit. This has led to many wonderful discoveries and some disappointments but I won’t swap any of them as it’s all part of the experience.

Shannon Adriaan Design Techer MYP/DP, Pastoral Lead MYP1-3


My best moment would have to be a mix of the end of last year to the beginning of this year when multiple students came up to me to say they were so happy that I am their Pastoral lead. One student in particular, at the end of the 2024 academic year, was the first student to tell me this. He said he is so pleased to know I will be his HOP because he feels so comfortable with me and likes me in general as a teacher so now that I will be his HOP is even better. This made me so happy knowing and sent me into a perfect Summer before returning to officially be their HOP.


Growing up as an international child and outside of South Africa gave my family and me the opportunity to travel and explore the world, different cultures, and people. So far I have travelled to over 22 different countries, lived in Bahrain, China, South Africa, and Hungary, and plan to keep seeing the world.

Annamaria Tapodi EYFS Lead

BBIS best moments

My favourite moments are always during our school productions when students from different year groups and backgrounds come together to sing, dance, and perform as one. Seeing children from across the school united in creativity and joy is truly magical. It beautifully reflects the strength of our community and the incredible bonds we form when we come together in celebration.


Something interesting about me

I have a passion for languages! I’m fluent in English, Hungarian, and Dutch and can comfortably read German. Along the way, I’ve also picked up a few words and phrases in Turkish and Spanish. One day, I hope to add Japanese to my list and dive into a whole new world of language and culture.

Tunde Horvath Inclusion Lead

BBIS best moment

There have been so many precious moments that I remember fondly; however, the Science Week events have always been closest to my heart. I will forever remember the wind-powered car competition and blowing enormous bubbles in the playground. 

Something interesting about me 

I enjoy hikes in faraway places. My most memorable hiking moments have been taking a selfie with a llama in the Peruvian Andes and cooking eggs using the steam from a volcano on Mount Agung in Bali.

Joshua Coupland Assistant Head of Primary, KS2 Class Teacher

Best BBIS moment

My best moment at BBIS was our exciting and rewarding trip to Vienna with Year 6 last year. It was such a momentous moment for students to finally go on a field trip away from school after many years of COVID-19 restrictions. The museums were brilliant, the rides were exciting, and I am sure the students made lifelong memories.


Something interesting about me

I’m an avid guitar player! In my formative years, I performed in two bands and played all over the south-west of England. I’m also a keen cook and completed a challenge recently where I had to cook one new recipe a week for a whole year, it was a (mostly) tasty journey.

Teachers & Teaching Assistants Team (59)

Gabor Szabo Science Lab Technician



Nature has always played an important role in my life; I love spending time outdoors, exploring new landscapes, and admiring the small wonders of the world. Photography is my hobby, allowing me to capture these moments and share the beauty of nature with others. I am always looking for something new, whether it’s an unknown trail, a unique play of light, or a fresh perspective, I believe the world is full of wonders waiting to be discovered.

Barbara Nagy Learning Support Assistant



I enjoy getting to know cultures and interacting with foreign people. My parents rent out their property at Lake Balaton so when I was a university student, I used to welcome non-Hungarian guests there. I had the chance to meet and talk with many people from all around the world and it was such a great experience. It helped me a lot to develop my speaking in English. I also like drawing, hiking and dancing. I used to do folk dance and I was a member of a hip-hop dance group as well.

Lisa George Head of Primary Art


Getting to meet so many of our new students at our new student orientation has been amazing! It is fantastic to see so many excited faces and learn that there is going to be a strong interest in painting, sculpture, and cooking this year. 


I have had the privilege to live in 8 different countries and teach in the PYP, MYP, and DP programmes. I love adventure and enjoy playing tabletop and computer games. I also love experimenting and creating both in the Art room and in the kitchen and I try to cook something interesting everyday.

Angela Walker Teacher of Biology and Integrated Science MYP, DP


Since joining BBIS, I have come to truly enjoy the independence and curiosity of the students as well as the camaraderie and support from my fellow educators and support staff. Even better, my students are enjoying learning science and design.


Throughout my life, I have had many jobs. Before becoming a teacher, I have worked as a hostess, a cook, a waitress, a laboratory technician, a costume designer, a puppeteer, and a public relations manager. I share my life here with my wonderful husband, one dog, and two cats. I like to kayak, swim, and go camping as often as possible. I also play board games and Dungeons and Dragons regularly.

Nicki Ralph Primary Class Teacher


I thoroughly enjoyed going on the residential trip with the Year 6 students as I believe that the outdoors allows them to express themselves differently. We enjoyed dragon boat racing as well as testing out tent putting-up skills.


I rescued my dog, Lottie, from Romania who has enriched my life, and together we eagerly anticipate our adventures exploring the picturesque Hungarian countryside. Over the last couple of summers, we have enjoyed road tripping through Europe and finding quaint towns and villages.

Viktoria Vaczi Secondary Teacher (SEN Teacher)


The best moments so far are the meaningful interactions with students and colleagues. Building connections with students, witnessing their progress, and learning from diverse cultures is truly rewarding.


I enjoy surprising others with the fact that despite once having a fear of water, I managed to overcome it and earn my official scuba diving certification. Since then, I love spending as much time as possible by the seaside. Additionally, in my free time, I find relaxation in listening to music and playing the flute.

Matilda Mateshvili Secondary Psychology Teacher IB, DP


My best BBIS moment was realizing that inquiry-based learning is deeply integrated into daily practice here and that students are fully encouraged to keep their wings of curiosity at all times


I love reading, theater, movies, stand-up comedy and getting to know new cultures from within. I am very passionate about children’s rights and I always advocate for them through my practice as a psychologist, special needs educator and a teacher. I am just as passionate about the rights of marginalized communities all over the world. I love doing crafts, playing games and going sightseeing with my daughter.

Dr Adrian Matus Librarian - Secondary School (IB MYP and DP)


Seeing students come to the library — whether to read, loan a book, listen to a podcast, browse magazines, chat briefly in German or French, attend a club, or simply prepare for school — always fills me with a unique kind of joy. It might be what Aristotle called eudaimonia. Through these moments, they unlock their latent potential and explore the endless possibilities of knowledge.


My PhD, which was later published as a book by De Gruyter Publishing House, focused on the hippie experience in Hungary and Romania during the socialist era. Through this research, I gained insights into the various way of dissenting against the state. In my free time, I enjoy reading books on history, anthropology, and cultural studies, as well as gardening.

Sophia Wallace Primary Class Teacher and Lead Teacher for Mathematics


My favourite moment so far has been meeting the students and getting to know my wonderful class. It’s been a joy to learn about where they are from and to share their unique experiences.


Something interesting about me is I love traveling and my big dream is to visit as many countries as I can! I enjoy exploring new places, reading interesting books, and trying all kinds of new food. At home, I have two fluffy, ginger cats who came all the way from Colombia to live with me here. 

Shelly Sawhney Secondary Language Acquisition (German) Teacher IBDP & MYP


My best BBIS moment has been witnessing how warmly the students have welcomed me into the BBIS community. Their openness and enthusiasm embody the spirit of international-mindedness that we strive for, reassuring me that we are moving in the right direction in fostering a globally inclusive and connected environment. It is a pleasure to be a part of this community!


I grew up in Switzerland and spent the latter years of my life in India. As a multilingual German language teacher, I love languages and the doors they open to engage across cultures—not only to preserve our own heritage but also to deepen our understanding and appreciation of others, helping us navigate the world as informed and empathetic global citizens.


Luca Fekete Learning Support Assistant


Passing each other in the corridor with a smile, and exchanging a few words on the playground with students and staff from both primary and secondary – I love the sense of community and togetherness all around the school.


My favourite childhood memory is singing and dancing in front of the mirror with my sister and mother. I have been singing to myself when dealing with anxiety ever since I was tiny. I was part of a chorus and attended music school for six years. Still, I started taking private singing lessons two years ago due to my eight-week traineeship in a kindergarten, where after hearing me sing as part of a music development session, the children would ask me to sing for them before their afternoon nap.

Robynne Cathrall Secondary Language and Literature (English) Teacher IB, DP & MYP


My best moment so far has been witnessing the incredible energy and enthusiasm that students bring into the classroom. It’s been truly wonderful to see each student grow and develop in such a short time, and I can’t wait to see the positive changes that unfold throughout the rest of the year.


I am someone who thrives on a mix of adventure and relaxation. Whether I’m baking something delicious at home, camping under the stars, or soaking up the sun at the beach, I find joy in a variety of activities. My love for travel is a big part of who I am, and I’m particularly excited about exploring Budapest and the rest of Europe. This combination of culinary creativity, a passion for the outdoors, and a love for new experiences makes me a true explorer, always ready for the next adventure!

Ryan Skinner Head of Science MYP/DP


Watching and hearing the PYP do their Wednesday morning ‘get moving’ routines led by teachers and students from the vantage point of the Chemistry Lab.


When we finished our last teaching post, which was in Panama, my wife and I decided to drive back home to Canada. It took us 2 months to overland through every country along the way. The trip reminded us the world is full of so much incredible beauty and kind people, putting several aspects of life into a different perspective.

Laura Buchan Secondary Physical Health Education Teacher IB, MYP


After lunch one day in the cafeteria I was handed a Túró Rudi. The response to the confused look on my face was ‘curd cheese covered in chocolate’. This strengthened my look of confusion and although skeptical, I gave it a try. I was pleasantly surprised and gently reminded about the positive influence trying new things, when living in a new country, has on me.


While walking in Mumbai I was asked by a passerby if I would like to be in a movie, playing the role of a bank hostage. With zero acting experience a lot of skepticism, I eventually agreed when he said that tasty food would be served all day long and that my brother, who I was travelling with, could also be a hostage. I was not disappointed. The food was delicious and the movie turned out to be Don 2, starring Shah Rukh Khan!

Rostym Sulbaran Secondary Language and Literature (English) Teacher IB, DP & MYP


To truly understand interculturality, the means to teach and learn by this.


Music is such an amazing way to get along with people and create a sense of belonging; having a nice chat about it and understanding how it connects to us is a nice way to spend some time… I sometimes play the guitar.

Amy Debnam Primary Class Teacher & Lead Teacher for Literacy - Upper Primary


My best BBIS moment so far has to be the Year 4 expedition. To take learning outside of the classroom opens so many doors for all students and it was such a fun trip!


I have always had a passion for anything related to Music. Having had the opportunity to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2023 and on the Hammersmith Apollo stage in London this year, I am incredibly grateful for what music brings to life. I try my best to incorporate music into aspects of my teaching and believe that many aspects of learning can be accessed through rhythm and rhyme. Additionally, I love to swim and am looking forward to visiting all the swimming pools and baths Budapest has to offer. This is my frist year teaching internationally and I am excited for what lies ahead.

Dr Ozge Kabakci Mathematics Teacher MYP/DP


After coming back from autumn break and gathering with my homeroom students that morning, I felt the warm familiarity of home – it was definitely one of my best moments at BBIS.


Although I have dabbled in various sports and played different instruments, I have found my deepest fascination underwater. As a scuba diver, being able to breathe in an environment where one wouldn’t naturally belong is like discovering a different planet.

Christina Long Economics and Individuals & Societies Teacher MYP/DP


I am glad to be a DP1 homeroom tutor and have enjoyed watching this year’s motivated group of students start their IB Diploma with positive attitudes.


My favourite hobbies are cooking and baking, and I always look forward to spending time in the kitchen after a day of teaching. While living in China, I even launched my own small-scale baking business, specializing in pies. Spending the last year living at 3,000 meters of elevation, I’ve had a lot of challenges in my baking projects (baking at high elevation is a completely different process), so I am very excited to return to sea level and pick up my pie-making game once again.

Manuel Torres Head of English Language & Literature, Head of Theatre MYP/DP


Working with the students and guiding them through the Interdisciplinary Unit of work last year was terrific. It was so refreshing to see students making meaningful connections across the various subjects they enjoy and developing real-world understanding.


I have always had a profound interest in Literature; from an early age, I devoted myself to writing plays, poems, and short stories while participating in literary concerts and poetry lectures. Few people know that by the end of this year, I will publish my first novel in Argentina, where I received the most significant literary education. During filming my documentary “Los Senderos del Saunterer” in Buenos Aires, I was fortunate enough to have the chance to sit down and interview Maria Kodama, who is best known as the wife of the famous writer Jorge Luis Borges. It was indeed an honour to be able to engage with her and gain insights into her personal experiences and perspectives on a variety of topics. The funny thing is that the title of my novel reflects a verse recited by Kodama that day -composed by Borges: “No nos une el amor sino el espanto”.

Stacey McNeillie Primary Class Teacher

Best BBIS moment

My best BBIS moment has to be from my very first day. Joining mid way through a term is never easy but I was astonished by the welcoming I received from everyone. The sense of a family atmosphere shines through in all aspects of the school. The students were full of smiles and I have loved every moment since.

Something interesting about me

I have a passion for music and I love listening to the songs from musicals with my daughter in the car. We love to travel as a family, exploring new countries and cultures. My best travel moment was seeing a leopard in the wild whilst on holiday in South Africa.

Grace Griffitts Theatre Teacher MYP/DP


There are so many to choose from, but I guess what’s always amazing is when our students get involved in Theatre and step into character, achieving something incredible and developing their confidence and ability to perform for others. Brilliant!


Being a cowgirl from Texas, I love all things horses. I even paid cash for my first truck with my rodeo winnings. I enjoy writing in my free time and have written several plays, a devotional, and a screenplay. I love the performing arts and have acted, danced, directed, competed, or worked backstage most of my life.

Andrew Duncan Head of Mathematics MYP/DP


My best moment so far was the first day when students returned after the summer break. Many students, both returning and new, introduced themselves to me and helped to make me feel welcome and part of this community. This kind of courtesy and respect has been evident at BBIS every day since my first.


Australian-born, my interest in historic towns and old buildings brought me to Europe. Over the years, I have lived in Germany and Belgium and travelled through most of Western Europe. In addition to Maths, I have also taught Music and enjoy playing the piano. If I am not out there hiking, you might find me in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes.

Joaquin Gonzalez Physics and Science Teacher MYP/DP


The everyday conversations in the staff room about our multicultural experiences, because you are constantly learning new things. My favorite ones are on topics such as sports culture or education in different countries.


Using my time to nurture my passions is essential for my life. If I am not at BBIS, it is because I am on a football field coaching kids or travelling around the world. Also, I like to play music, so maybe you can find me in an open-mic event too.

Vera Smith Assistant Head of Secondary / MYP Coordinator


I love it when I am on duty outside the secondary garden and the students ask me to join in a volleyball or a table tennis game, or even a table-football. I also enjoy just watching the students play and actively enjoy their break.


I am a Zumba instructor, however, I don’t teach Zumba anymore but still go to classes. I love dancing, especially salsa and bachata. I also love making dance choreographies.

Gyongyi Salla Teaching Assistant


I’ve had many wonderful moments at BBIS, including the very warm welcome in EYFS – big smiles and big hearts both from the children and colleagues from day one onwards. A particularly unforgettable moment was for me when during my duty in the main playground, a little girl from year 2 came running up to me and gave me a hug! I thought she wanted to ask something but instead I was randomly cuddled – truly heartwarming!


I grew up partly in Germany as a child, and had the pleasure to spend my twenties in London, where I also studied Performing Arts and Music (jazz and contemporary). I am grateful to have lived in three different vibrant capitals throughout the past two decades, which not only allowed me to embrace my love for traveling and cultures, but also made me set a strong focus on emotional development through arts, and mindfulness when teaching.

Rebecca Bond Head of Individuals and Societies MYP/DP


Helping empower our student leaders to run their projects, Pie the Teacher Day has been a highlight this term. I’ve also enjoyed the warm ‘Good Morning’ I receive from our wonderful students daily; it always makes me smile.


I grew up in the rural Essex countryside. My local town ‘Colchester’ is the oldest recorded town in the whole of the UK, and yes, the castle is still standing! I moved to China in 2018 and remained there for five years before moving to Budapest this year, and I moved with a small pooch (his name is Patch). In my spare time, I enjoy travelling (I hope to check a few more European cities off my list during my time in Hungary), reading non-fiction books and spending time outdoors with family/friends and my dog (of course!).

Dr Orsolya (Ursula) Szucs English Language & Literature Teacher MYP/DP, Extended Essay Coordinator


My best BBIS moment is when a student suddenly gets that “Aha!” moment and starts exploring surprising connections. The expressions they make are priceless, and the conversations that follow are truly rewarding!


One interesting thing about me is that I have an insatiable zest for life. I am deeply fascinated by people and the world, which fuels my love for travel. As an extrovert, I thrive on the energy of spending time with friends. I also have a strong affinity for theatre, reading, stand-up comedy, and being in the classroom. Although I don’t have a dog, I adore animals and enjoy the company of my friends’ furry companions.

Hajnalka Tamas Secondary EAL Teacher


It would be hard to choose a single best moment but one of my favourite things is that children often stop by to knock on my door at the end of the day just to say goodbye before leaving. It is one of those little gestures that warm my heart and put a smile on my face, even if I had a long day.


I love surprising my students by telling them I am part of a futsal team. Our conversations often end up comparing our ‘war scars’ then.

Gareth Obie Head of Secondary Physical and Health Education (PHE)


My most standout moment has to be taking the MYP3 students to the World Athletics Championships, at the National Athletics Stadium in Budapest, in their first week back in August. It was an amazing atmosphere, we saw some fantastic events, and the students did a superb job representing the school.


During the period of the pandemic, I was employed by two schools in two different countries that I have never stepped foot in! As a consequence, I also lived in a country for a year where I have never taught, during this time too!

Dori Sayad Secondary Counsellor with Cover Supervision


My Best BBIS moment was and still is the happy greetings I receive from the students, being able to see them in different elements on campus, and working with my wonderful colleagues.


I am a first-degree black belt in taekwondo. I and my two older siblings all received our black belts when we were younger – I received mine when I was 9 years old. My parents were very adamant about my sister and I knowing how to defend ourselves, and it instilled strong values of discipline and respect. And for the past 3 years, I have been doing kickboxing on the weekends. I also play the piano and sing. And I love to travel.

Archana Chaturvedi Head of Secondary EAL


My best BBIS moment was the warm welcome I received at the start of the term from my tutor group. I meet my MYP tutor group every morning. I see 12 smiles as well as the occasional yawn at 8.15 a.m. The first 15 minutes of the day are packed with anecdotes and jokes. Watching them support each other while navigating school life is truly wonderful.


I danced jazz, ballet, and contemporary dance in a professional dance company for 15 years. I toured internationally, appeared in a few Bollywood films, and finally hung up my dancing shoes after an injury.

Ian Davidson Head of Design and Visual Arts MYP/DP


The students are very friendly and social, having conversations with them about football, art, and life. From the first day, I felt like I was part of the community and it has been wonderful teaching them more about my passion.


During the past 18 months, I have taken time out from teaching and focused on creating my own art. I have concentrated on Budapest as my theme and created a portfolio of artwork on the city and in particular, the old yellow trams have made an appearance in most of my paintings. I love going to art galleries, cycling and I am also an avid football fan and enjoy talking about the premier league.

Cansel Kaya Primary Counsellor


My best BBIS memory was when I met the students on the first day of school. Each and every one of the students I met on my first day at school will be unforgettable to me.


I came to Hungary for the first time five years ago and it was the first country I’ve lived abroad. Because of all the good memories I have, I came back here for my education. I just graduated with my master’s degree in Psychology.


Laszlo Namenyi Cover Supervisor


Probably the best – recurring – work moments I have here at BBIS is when and how the students greet me throughout the day. The strong connections we build with them go beyond the classroom walls while making my job meaningful at the same time. A kinda why we do what we do moment.


I love classic cars and my hobby is to restore them to their prime, bringing back a little sentimentalism of days gone by.

Sheila Mckeogh Primary Class Teacher


One afternoon, midway through the first term, our whole class giggled over a shared experience which was just joyful as it was a moment in time when we realised we were a team. Simple, everyday moments that our class shares are my favourite BBIS moments.


This year, I decided to challenge myself to exercise as I prefer to curl up with books! In September, I committed to a twice a week programme to last until July. Despite the brutal Lithuanian winter, I persevered until summer. It’s a small goal which has made me happier and stronger.

Marta Trefan Primary Teaching Assistant


Seeing our EYFS students shining, laughing and learning more and more every day is amazing. My best moment so far is when I got a sticker from one of our youngest students after one of our phonics sessions.


Whenever there is a stressful time in my life for stress release I always cook or bake something even in the middle of the night.

Jodie Obie Primary Teaching Assistant


My best bit so far is having a student in my class ask me to go to their home to play. It’s been a lovely start to meet all the children, to get to know them individually, and to meet new staff too.


I have a strong passion for travelling, exploring, and going for coffee with friends. As well as being an avid reader, I am probably happiest when baking away. I enjoy creating sweet treats at home for the family. I am also often roped into doing so for friends and special occasions too.

Sam Isley Head of Primary EAL


My best and proudest moment at BBIS has been watching a student, who started the year in EAL with me, steal the show in the school’s production of The Wizard of Oz. It very nearly brought me to tears, in fact.


I studied Philosophy at University because I loved History at school, particularly the French Revolution. Though I no longer wear a toga, I do listen to Philosophy podcasts regularly and read my old books from time to time.

Lexy Kerr Primary Classroom Teacher


My best BBIS moment is when I’m working with the students and I can see their excitement and engagement with the topic we are learning about. It is a great feeling as a teacher when you can spark the love of learning in your students.


When I am not teaching, I love to go for walks through the city and explore the beautiful architecture. About three years ago I began painting watercolours and now I create paintings of the places I visit. I enjoy exploring new places and trying to capture the beauty of different buildings in my paintings. I have created a large number of paintings based on my travels around the world.

Geovanny González Head of Language Acquisition MYP/DP

Best BBIS moment

To see the whole community being a risk-taker and excellent communicators during the European Day of Languages, where all students and even staff ask for a refreshing lemonade in Spanish or German. I also enjoy the residential trips where we all spend more time with each other and create real bonds for the future years to come.

Something interesting about me

In secondary school I was part of the volleyball national team, competing with different states within my country, Mexico! I am obsessed with Harry Potter. I have a dog. I love traveling and Japanese animation.

Olga Gonzalez Spanish Teacher MYP/DP, Secondary School Professional Learning Coordinator

Best BBIS moment

Being part of the very first team of teachers of BBIS was an amazing opportunity and the beginning of an exciting journey. Over these years, I have taught many of the children of BBIS  and that makes me a very fortunate teacher


Something interesting about me

To show my love for Budapest, some years back I decided to build a Budapest website for tourists so visitors could see the city through the eyes of a local. I kept the site updated for a couple of years but it was arduous work and keeping it up to date demanded a great deal of time from me therefore I had to stop dealing with it. However, I have kept Budapest-discovery-guide on the net as a memory that I will always treasure.

Nour Al Wattar KS1 Teacher Assistant


My most cherished memory to date is from my first day at BBIS. I was greeted with big smiles and warm wishes, and I felt like I was instantly a part of a wonderful family. I knew then that I wanted to be a part of this team for a long time.


I have an academic background in law and a deep commitment to children’s rights. My lifelong dream is to create a better world for them by playing a role in defending their rights and being a part of their learning experience.


Kate Holmes KS1 Class Teacher, KS1 Literacy Lead


My best moment is every day when I read with the students; I have a chance not only to listen to them read but have some small talk about their day. I love to see the sparkle in their eyes as they discover a new book.


I love music. I often play the guitar in class and sing with my students. I use songs for teaching as the tune and the lyrics are easy to memorise even for those who are new to the English language.

Iga Michalska Head of PYP Music


Every day when I enter the Primary Music room, I see all the different musical instruments just waiting to be heard. The amount of possibilities and opportunities to make something beautiful together with my students and other teachers is simply wonderful!


I love plants and, if possible, I will always try to make my apartment look like a jungle… or a very rich garden, at least!

Hilary Porritt Mathematics Teacher MYP/DP, Personal Project Coordinator MYP

BBIS best moment

One of my highlights from my first year working at BBIS was watching MYP3 students plan and run a Mathematical Art Workshop for younger students during our Arts Week in the Summer Term. They each organised a workshop, ranging from learning how to use some digital art tools to making symmetrical designs from sweets! 


Something interesting about me

As well as Maths, I am also interested in theology and a few years ago I completed a Theology degree. I am fascinated by how people think and make sense of the world, and how faith often gives them a framework to understand their lives.

Annamaria Tapodi EYFS Lead

BBIS best moments

My favourite moments are always during our school productions when students from different year groups and backgrounds come together to sing, dance, and perform as one. Seeing children from across the school united in creativity and joy is truly magical. It beautifully reflects the strength of our community and the incredible bonds we form when we come together in celebration.


Something interesting about me

I have a passion for languages! I’m fluent in English, Hungarian, and Dutch and can comfortably read German. Along the way, I’ve also picked up a few words and phrases in Turkish and Spanish. One day, I hope to add Japanese to my list and dive into a whole new world of language and culture.

Samanta Alonzo Gracia Primary Spanish Teacher and Teaching Assistant


One of the most memorable moments for me was the day of the celebration of International Week when the entire BBIS community felt proud to represent their countries through flags and traditional costumes. Teachers from Scotland, Ukraine, Hungary and Ecuador had the opportunity to immortalize our cultural encounter with a fun photo that I cherish with great affection


Being born and raised in “the land of the four worlds”, I love to travel and enjoy all kinds of weather, although I prefer autumn for its beautiful color combinations. I am passionate about the culture and diversity of people and I enjoy writing about them. I really like music and I recently started learning to play the ukulele. I hope to master it soon!

Niki O’Sullivan Primary Librarian

Best BBIS moment

My best BBIS moment is an ongoing one. It began when our students were first able to borrow a book from the BBIS Library, through to the opening of the Primary Library, and now with the opening of our amazing Secondary Library. The ultimate best moment will be in the near future when we will have two fully functioning libraries, and all the joy of watching students find a book they’re excited to read which will come with that.


Something interesting about me

Just over five years ago I bought a small house with a small vineyard near Lake Balaton in western Hungary. This allows me to spend time learning how to look after the grapevines, and eventually, I would like to learn how to make wine from the grapes, which are mostly Merlot and my favourite.

Edua Toth-Csernus SEND & EAL Teacher

Best BBIS moment

My best BBIS moment was at the end of last year when I experienced the fruits of hard work as I could see a great improvement in the performance of a student I supported throughout the year.


Something interesting about me

I’m the frontwoman in a band called GingerBear (my husband plays lead bass guitar!) We play around the country, have performed on TV/radio and have almost finished recording our first album with a famous Hungarian jazz trumpet player. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Daniel Albi Primary Computing Teacher, Google Workspace Administrator

Best BBIS moment

It is luckily really challenging to choose one particular “best” moment from all these years teaching here, but if I must, the most rewarding experience was when I taught every student in BBIS for a whole school year from year 1 up until MYP 3. Learning together and getting to know all our students gave a whole new perspective for me as a teacher.

Something interesting about me

I always loved singing. I was part of a Rock Musical group during my university years and since I joined BBIS I am part of an acapella choir.

Victoria Osovskaia German Language Teacher


When I was at BBIS for the first time to have my demo lesson, I was impressed by the children who, despite their age, could give us a very mature analysis and feedback after the lesson. Moreover, at the end of the session, they asked the principal to have me as their German teacher for the next school year. It was incredible.


I am really fond of sports. I started doing that when I was 5. One of the most interesting sports activities which I have ever done is ballroom dancing. So, I can easily start dancing waltz, rumba, samba, paso doble, and many others.


Tunde Horvath Inclusion Lead

BBIS best moment

There have been so many precious moments that I remember fondly; however, the Science Week events have always been closest to my heart. I will forever remember the wind-powered car competition and blowing enormous bubbles in the playground. 

Something interesting about me 

I enjoy hikes in faraway places. My most memorable hiking moments have been taking a selfie with a llama in the Peruvian Andes and cooking eggs using the steam from a volcano on Mount Agung in Bali.

Joshua Coupland Assistant Head of Primary, KS2 Class Teacher

Best BBIS moment

My best moment at BBIS was our exciting and rewarding trip to Vienna with Year 6 last year. It was such a momentous moment for students to finally go on a field trip away from school after many years of COVID-19 restrictions. The museums were brilliant, the rides were exciting, and I am sure the students made lifelong memories.


Something interesting about me

I’m an avid guitar player! In my formative years, I performed in two bands and played all over the south-west of England. I’m also a keen cook and completed a challenge recently where I had to cook one new recipe a week for a whole year, it was a (mostly) tasty journey.

Ildiko Bakos Hungarian Teacher

Best BBIS moment

It’s hard to choose from the many good moments, but for me, perhaps the March 15 assemblies are the most memorable. It is good to see how Hungarian children work together every year to introduce one of our most important Hungarian holidays to their foreign peers. 

 Something interesting about me

 When I was young, I danced folk for fifteen years. Our group performed a lot, and we went to foreign festivals. A popular part of the program was the glass dance, where the girls danced with a bottle of wine on their heads. It’s not very easy, we were always very excited to make the production a success. After I finished dancing, I used to have a recurring nightmare that the bottle fell off my head on stage!

Anett Spinks KS1 Teaching Assistant

Best BBIS moment

When you work with children, there are so many memorable moments, actually every day in school with them is special. They are always very honest and it is rewarding when at the end of the day they come with a huge smile on their face and you can tell that they had a wonderful time in school.

I have really enjoyed supporting the Winter production every year. From the very first day we start to rehearse all the way until the night of the show when the children go on stage to perform in front of their parents and siblings. 


Something interesting about me

I love travelling, visiting different countries and getting to know new people and cultures. I am very lucky because a few years ago I had the opportunity to live in Bali, Indonesia for 2 years, which was absolutely amazing and a memory that will stay with me forever. During my time in Bali I was writing a blog, so every time I miss the Island I can open it and remember the beautiful days I spent there.

Okszana Kalafszky Primary EAL teacher

Best BBIS moment:
The first thing that captivated me when I entered the school was the welcoming atmosphere and the open attitude of everyone here, both colleagues and children. It has never been so simple for me to feel one of the school community so quickly and develop a good relationship with everyone in just a few days. 

Something interesting about me:
Before I decided to study English at a higher level, I was planning to be an artist as I studied music and fine arts until the age of 18. I gave up my intentions to start learning Japanese language and got accepted into university, so I could continue my English and Japanese studies.

Vera Buzek KS1 Class Teacher, Primary Professional Learning Lead

BBIS best moment:

Being a member of the BBIS school community for more than 6 years means that I have seen many students growing up in front of my eyes. I consider myself lucky since I was able to pursue my dreams and become a teacher, which is one of the most rewarding professions in the world. My best moments are the daily hugs, smiles and “How are you”s from students who I will always hold dearly in my heart. 


Something interesting about me:

I love challenges. I seek adventures where I have to push myself to my limits and step out of my comfort zone. A couple of years ago, I hiked over 4000 metres and reached the highest peak of the Atlas Mountains. This summer, I cycled up the highest paved road in Europe and reached the summit of Pico de Veleta by gaining 2700 metres of elevation.

Leanne Wootton KS2 Teaching Assistant, Primary Science Lab Technician

Best BBIS moment

There are so many moments that I like to look back on but I always enjoy watching the children in the BBIS talent show. There are many students who have various talents and it is great to see them showcased. It is heart-warming to see the enjoyment from the children both in the show and those that are proudly cheering on their peers.


Something interesting about me

I am also a qualified dental nurse and hold a qualification in oral health education. Whilst living in Thailand, I worked with The King’s charity and helped the dental team deliver treatment to those in need, including young children. We travelled to different regions of the country and set up in local villages and schools. I also ended up on the Royal Thai news channel!

Alexander Wolverson Head of Primary PE

Best BBIS moment

There have been so many amazing moments since I have been at BBIS but my favourite was the 2021 Primary Talent Show. It was brilliant to see such an array of talented performers share their passions and skills so confidently in front of an audience.


Something interesting about me

I love travelling and have been to 41 countries so far. I am aiming to get to 50 as soon as possible! My favourite places that I have been to are Japan, Uganda and Zanzibar

Business & Administration Team (13)

Virag Szalai Front Desk Administrator / Assistant and Club Coordinator


When I joined BBIS, it was during the school holiday, and the students were not in school. I eagerly awaited the chance to meet them, and I quickly realized just how much fun they are!


After graduating, I left Hungary and moved to Austria, where I studied at the University of Vienna and worked in administration at a rehab center. My interest in the U.S. was sparked by an exchange program during my high school years. This led me to move to the U.S., where I spent two years caring for two young girls as an au pair.

During my time in Ohio I discovered my passion for Crossfit. After six months in New York City doing Crossfit, I returned to Hungary and worked as a German-speaking customer support representative for Nu Skin. However, my dedication to CrossFit led me back to Austria, where I spent three years working as a CrossFit coach.

Seeking new experiences, I moved to Budapest and continued coaching at another CrossFit box for several months. Eventually, I realized I wanted a more structured work-life balance and decided to pursue an administrative career. Now, here I am, blending my diverse experiences and passion for fitness with my professional skills in administration.

Laura Patonai Finance Administrator / Assistant


The Friday morning tea moments are my favourite, as they give me a chance to chat with colleagues I don’t get to see every day. One of my fondest memories since working at BBIS is when Brigi and I painted leaves together for the early years children.


I spent half a year in Japan, where I developed a deep appreciation for its culture, particularly contemporary literature and anime. My fascination with Japan has inspired me to actively learn Japanese. I have a passion for languages and art, often spending my free time exploring bookshops and art supply stores. This blend of interests fuels my creativity and allows me to connect with different cultures and communities.

Brigitta Mirk School Nurse


So many small moments have shaped my good memories in BBIS. For instance, seeing the enthusiasm of the students during sports day, or the daily acts of kindness when the children see me and rush over to give me a hug. It’s equally heartwarming when a colleague stops by to ask how I’m doing. In those moments, I appreciate being part of a supportive community. Caring for others and being cared for in return makes these moments truly special.


I am happy to have grown up in a big family. I have a twin sister, who was regularly mistaken for me by teachers during our school years. Although we look alike, our personalities are completely different, yet we remain each other’s greatest source of support.

Zsofia Kertesz HR Assistant / Administrator


I have a cherishing memory of a pleasant and successful working day, culminating in a foosball tournament with teachers and office team colleagues, and the unexpected participation of the Principal.


I did orienteering for almost 10 years when I was little so it is really hard to lose me in a new place, my own navigation system is highly qualified. Although I stopped doing it as a sport I still love walking and running in nature.

Judit Soltesz Front Desk Administrator/Assistant


Welcoming new students and staff in the new academic year. It’s always exciting to meet new people from all over the world and help them settle into school life


As a vegan, I am a keen advocate for the power of plants and love delving into the intricacies of a whole food plant-based diet using research and lectures of plant-based doctors who have been using this as a base for their practice for decades.

Tekla Toth Front Desk Administrator/Assistant


It was truly heartwarming when the Office Team sat down to have lunch together. It was my first time at the cafeteria and seeing everyone chatting away about everything was really wholesome. I felt like I belonged here, to this BBIS family.


I am very passionate about Japanese culture. I think the first thing that caught my eye which made me love it was their clothing and how it differs from Western cultures. I found this difference captivating and it hasn’t let me go ever since. Courtesy of my friend, I have some kimono at home that I love to wear if there is an occasion for it. I am slowly studying the language and if I succeed at learning it sufficiently to speak to a native I plan on visiting the country.

Gergely Berta Senior Finance Controller


I was looking after very small children in the playground once when one of them came up and showed me the ladybird house she had made with her little friends, they were so fairy-like!


As a father of two boys, life never stops, full of hustle and bustle.  Leaving behind the somewhat dull daily life of controllers, this familiar feeling welcomes you to the Finance Department of a bustling school.
In my spare time, I’m a passionate mountaineer, and rock/wall climber, it is in the mountains where I really feel in my element. I try to pass on the joys of rock climbing to young schoolchildren once a week.

Katalin Beres Admissions Officer


Every day is special here at BBIS. This lovely community welcomed me with open arms from the very first moment I joined.


One of my hobbies is learning different languages. I believe that the more languages you speak, the better you understand different cultures and the world around us.
As a very energetic person, I also love doing sports in my free time. I’ve been playing field hockey for a decade now and I even represent Hungary as part of the national team.

Csaba Harza Finance Administrator


The friendly environment that makes every day a good day at BBIS. From the first moment, I felt the peaceful and supportive atmosphere and still as well.


I have chosen tourism for my studies and my career mostly to get to know other countries’ cultures, events, and heritages. I really like to know more and more about different countries and their modern lifestyle and even their history as well. It is just stunning to me how interesting and beautiful traditions you can find outside your country’s border.


Dora Gatfalvi Office Manager


My best BBIS moment so far was to see the students’ smiling faces on their first day back to school after their Summer Holidays. I believe if students come to school happy and satisfied, we can feel that our work is appreciated.


I graduated as a Primary School Teacher (specialism – English language) and have been working in a school environment since then. In my spare time, I love horse riding, especially going on a hack when I can also enjoy the amazing nature around me. Also, I have a creative mind which reflects my affection for baking and crafting (DIY).


Kitti Balint-Bakai Admissions and Marketing Manager

Best BBIS moment

Our team spent a cosy afternoon decorating the school with Christmas lights and ornaments to create a festive atmosphere. The next morning, as Santa Claus arrived at the playground in his cherry-red Mercedes, the students burst with excitement, rushing to the windows to catch a glimpse of him. It was an absolutely unforgettable experience!

Something interesting about me

With over nine years of experience in international education, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with families from a variety of cultural backgrounds, learning so much from their unique perspectives. Becoming a mum has further deepened my empathy and understanding of what families truly value in education. One of my passions is travelling – having lived in China for a short while, Asia will always remain my favourite travel destination. During my journeys, I always seek out local schools to see how students learn in different parts of the world.

Lilla Bella Hutter Human Resources Coordinator

Best BBIS moment:

One of my favourite moments at BBIS is when the students return after the summer holidays. The joy on their faces as they reunite, regardless of age or background, is wonderful. It’s like a family coming back together, with older students looking out for the younger ones and friendships flourishing across year groups. Moments like these remind me of the strong sense of community that makes our school so special.

Something interesting about me:

I have been playing Football since I was a child. Although it is a hobby for me I am part of a professional team in Budapest and have more than 10 matches per season.

Agota Sipos Assistant Office Manager

Best BBIS moment

The BBIS School Radio, prepared by two Secondary students, is a perfect example of how rewarding it is to work in a school. I love listening to it every week and getting to know new songs each week in different styles. Thank you, students, for cheering up our workdays with that.

Something interesting about me

My favourite season is autumn because I love hiking. I usually follow and collect stamps of the “Kéktúra” route which is 1170 km in total and crosses the northern part of Hungary.

Facilities Team (3)

Philip Allen Kitchen Support


The best is to be able to have seen the change over the years.


In my free time, I love to cook, plan and paint. I also enjoy doing plumbing and building flat packs further.

Gabor Gombas Maintenance Support


It’s a chain of moments. I absolutely enjoy the way our personal connection improves with the students, as I watch their trust developing. This makes me feel of being part of their overall education, and that is value-creating – a sensation my previous job could not give me.


I used to work as a croupier for almost 30 years, having spent the last 3 as a casino manager. This allowed me to travel a lot, so I had the privilege of having seen a good third of the globe and its countries. I used to work on ocean liners as well. One time the captain held a speech to the customers, mentioning that, at that moment, the ship had personnel from 87 different countries.

Marcell Szendeffy System Administrator


I have participated in the construction of the secondary building. It is unbelievable to me how the school looks now compared to those months. I remember how everyone was so excited on the official first day of the new building.


During my working hours, I usually sit in front of a computer but in my free time, I can’t stay in one place. I really love extreme sports. If it includes any cars or motorbikes I’m in, especially if they are at least 20 years of age or even older. My other passion is animals. I have a rescued dog and some rescued cats as well.